Overall Objectives
Research Program
Application Domains
Software and Platforms
New Results
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
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Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Habilitations à Diriger les Recherches (HDR)

Rallou Thomopoulos defended her HDR on December, entitled Aide à la décision dans les filières agroalimentaires in front of the following jury:

Organization of Conferences/Workshops

Editorial Boards

ICCS (International Conference on Conceptual Structures)

RIA (Revue Francophone d'Intelligence Artificielle)

Program Committees

Invited Talks

Scientific Advisory Boards

- ABES (National Bibliographic Agency for Universities) Scientific Advisory Board, Michel Chein (since its creation in 2010).

- Advisory Board of the Center of Excellence in Semantic Technologies (MIMOS, Malaysia), Marie-Laure Mugnier (since its creation in 2008).

- Scientific board of INRA-CEPIA department (Caractérisation et Elaboration des Produits Issus de l'Agriculture – Agricultural Products Engineering), Marie-Laure Mugnier (since Septembre 2011).

Local Collective Tasks

Souhila Kaci is co-responsible of “Artificial Intelligence” axis at LIRMM.

Souhila Kaci and Namrata Patel are members of the LIRMM Laboratory Council.

Jean-François Baget is member of the LIRMM Scientific Council.

Participation to the W3C RDF Working Group

(Jean-François Baget) The mission of the RDF Working Group, part of the Semantic Web Activity, is to update the 2004 version of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) Recommendation. The scope of work is to extend RDF to include some of the features that the community has identified as both desirable and important for interoperability based on experience with the 2004 version of the standard, but without having a negative effect on existing deployment efforts. .